Home of all the aimless queers!

What is this website? I made this website partly because I just thought it would be fun to learn html, but also! Because I am fully fucking fed-up with the state of the internet and ESPECIALLY social media. so... this is my solution! I dont know how you got here, whether it was through neocities or someone elses website, either way your'e here! And... thats cool I guess. Hi!

Site Log <3

Aug 18, 2024 > Added the about/webmaster page(wip), and its content. Updated site log(duh) annnd thats it :p

Aug 13, 2024 > Added seperate Library page, and a section on Dune! Changed links on the sidebars

Aug 01-12, 2024 > Created the homepage and splash, formatted text and images, basically made the entire page, got the cursor to work!! Added the Library. And lastly: Added the Site Log :)

Aug 01, 2024 > Site is created! Huzzah!